My darling target, every question should have a boundary.
'At the end of the course, I finally understand, the design system is not a way of presentation of the thinking model, but a way to break down problems in a defined boundary. It is not about directly solving a problem, but understand what the problem is. It is not the final design system results matter but the collaborative and shared thinking pattern. '
The steps of system processing
Step 1 -Current situation
The Giga map is what we take the first step, and it aims to come up with mind map and elements interactions to create something new in the network as a new node for connecting different functions. This method is useful, especially many factors and actors show together and have a complexity and completion already, like the Chalmers system. When we try to understand what missed in the Chalmers system, we should map out most existential elements and see their weakness and information. We may meet some black box at this stage because a complex than the system could have details hidden to support its processing. Anyway, the boundary of the system is essential, including geographic and target groups, along with period.
Step 2 -Cause and effect
The second course we take is design dynamics. This is focused on creating a substance and interlink between the main issue or interested issue found in stage 1. The interlink is based on scientific evidence and relevant research, besides hypothesis and guessing for a backbox. It is a way to connect the black box to the system and help us better define the function and interrelationship of the black boxes. It is a methodology to identify a problem or most crucial variable, rather than solving a problem.
Step 3 -kill the darlings
The third step we take is to face with complexity and messy system. At this step, we could have already decided on the target groups, and now it's the time to abstract problems in our boundary system. In this course, our boundary is Chalmers, and our target groups are lonely old people and refugee kids. So we mind map all the problems and classify them to 'how, 'what,' and 'value' problems to see the interlink among them. In this case, we sort out the most critical issues and try to find the root cause of them. We should be cautious about target groups because they have already attached with a boundary which could influence the final system boundary very much.
Step 4 -Leverage point
The fourth step is to dig into the leverage point and respond to the key. During this process, a process map could be used, and the most important elements would be there for the following design criteria.
Step 5 -Biomimicry
"Praesent nonvelit nec quam auctor mattis pelentesque non tincidunt lacus inmasa enim, venenatis acerated egecongue mattised."
Step 6 -Find wicked problems
The sixth step is to ask for finding black boxes and design dynamics. The boundaries of thesystem should be 4D dimensional, including x-geometrical, y- physical to digital, and ztimelineand priority of problems. Recheck the resilience of the operation in a biomimicryway. Get a conclusion for design criteria.
How about working together?
Fun fact about me: I am interested in spirituality and mysticism. Will we be destined to work together for a better future?